Ever heard of the statement:

"God is always speaking, we are the one's not usually tuned in."...? Making Him appear almost like how radios operate...

Have you also ever wondered why God is "invisible". Because if He really loves us like He claims, then He could have been more visible and more audible and thus made it easy for people like me who have written or are writing stuff on "Hearing the voice of God..." 😅

Truth is, God is always speaking, but that does not mean He is a chatter box... This is something He is able achieve because He exists in the eternal plane. It's something I too had a hard time trying to comprehend until I allowed the Holy Spirit to help me understand it beyond the confines of space and time.

The wisest thing a lecturer ever told me and I will never forget was, how to measure love😅  versus how to express love... Yep! It was a research methodology lesson and one of the students had love as part of his variables... Oh! I love being an architect... I know there is a mathematician thinking right now... 'How? And the way we were forced to strictly pick topics with one measurable dependent and one measurable independent variable...'

Welcome to God's Artwork 😜...

Anyway, this lecturer used the verse John 3:16 to show there are only 2 ways to measure love the rest are expressions...

(Really, 😏what about Gary Chapman's 5 love languages)... Read on, you'll see...

For God so loved the world that He GAVE His only begotten son,
that whosoever believes in Him will not perish
but have ETERNAL LIFE...


1. Time: If you want to know how much people love each other what's the first question you ask? "How long have you two known each other?" Right... 10years is considered a longer love period than 10months...

2. Life: One is only bound to love as long as the person is alive. Once the person dies, theoretically speaking, you can't exactly claim to love or to be loved...

So, if we were to measure love, say, between a couple, we would check the number of years of maybe courtship plus marriage up to the time of life of one or both couples😊. The longer it is, the more the love that has been shared between them. If both couples are still alive and together, that love still exists and is ongoing.

All the other things we have been calling measures of love are considered expressions of love. That is because it is not easy to measure love through them: What is a big to one may not be big to another.

Gifts: This can be objects or intangible things like: acts of service, touch, words of affirmation (compliments, songs, poems) and quality time (hangouts and accompanying activities)

Those three factors are what qualified John 3:16 as the most famous/popular verse of the Bible.


So, when the lover of our souls looked for the best gift to give us He found that the best thing He could give us is Himself. (Yeah, the Father, Son and Spirit are one Jesus was not on that Cross alone...)

He wanted to give you everything... all things... yeah, even the deep things... How could He do that without bombarding you? By giving you The One Through Whom All Things Consist... His son... (Refer 1st Cor 2:10, Colossians 1:15-18)

And because He loved us too much, He wanted to spend every microsecond with us, to sing over us all the time, to hold and touch us all the time, to do daily activities with and in us... So He decided to live in the eternal plane... To be omnipresent... So that He could abide IN US in the form of the Holy Spirit. This way, he won't be bound by space and time...

Talking of His omnipresence - An issue many atheists I have interacted with have with "the Christian God." Why is He invisible or omnipresent?

Well, as we have seen above: God is love; and for love to be unlimited it has to transcend the limitations of matter, space and time.

God is not omnipresent to scare us... He is omnipresent so that He can always be with us, in us, for us...

I once wrote an article entitled GOD IS WATCHING YOU: YOU ARE HIS MOVIE😊. If you haven't read it I invite you to do so...

By the way, ladies, do you now see why a man can not love you like God does... Space and Time...
- Space: God will never need to stay late in the office or get stuck in traffic hence 'get home late'...

- Time: He doesn't have a boss on His neck or too many clients concerning a particular project timeline...

Oh... 😭😭😭😭😭

This is why He said in John 10:3, My sheep HEAR my voice... Making it look like it's an ongoing experience... (Remember the radio...)

Another reason why it is said God is always speaking is, we hear Him most through the Word (Jesus, and also the Bible). In the case of the Bible: the words on your Bible are always there. (They don't appear at paricular 3 or 5 times of the day😜)... You can open your Bible anytime, anywhere, for however long, and the words will be there to speak to you... No wonder I like reading😍...

Anyway, now imagine, this is a book: a physical uuum do I say, representation of an eternal being... How more accessible and available is the eternal being it represents?😱


Lovers are usually in constant communion. Ours, paid a price to transcend space and time, so that he can commune with us ALWAYS.🤔I guess this is what caused, a musician to sing:

"🎶 ... You didn't want heaven without us, so Jesus you brought heaven down..."

This is why as a sheep you can't claim that you don't hear God... You do! Just position yourself to hear...

Until my next bleat😜... Ponder on that and remember:

You are God's artwork and me-e-e-ehHe is at work for you, in you and through you!


  1. This post is the same posted on the Facebook page due to technical challenges publishing here. These technical challenges have now been sorted😃 Enjoy the #HearingTheVoiceOfGod series.


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