Happy new year, again, God's artwork! What have you asked God for this 2021? Most people I've interacted with have asked for things money can buy. But what about those things that money cannot buy yet when received they come with everything money can buy? 

Anyway, happiness:

If you know me well you know this is now my current favorite quote👇😀... And mug😉. I know it only gives us half truth of that word happiness but hey, have you read my sermon on a cake😂?

We all wished each other or at least were wished happy new year. Are you still happy on this 5th day of the still new year? As you return to that school or that job? As you pass by that landlord or grocery lady? As you receive those news...

Many people start the year happy, but how many are still happy a few days, weeks or months into the year. Weren't the Happy new year wishes enough to carry them each day😅?

What is happiness by the way? 

Wiktionary defines happiness as
The emotion of being happy 😅😂😂
Having a feeling arising from a consciousness of well-being or of enjoyment; enjoying  good of any kind, such as comfort, peace, or tranquillity;  blissful,  contented, joyous.
A feeling of extreme happiness or cheerfulness, especially related to the acquisition or expectation of something good.
I have not specified whether it's a son of man or the son of God, so stop making conclusions😅😂 

The Truth is:
Happiness, even joy, doesn't come from situations, circumstances or because everything is alright. Neither does it come because a certain thing or a certain someone made you happy. No! Otherwise those who have it 'all' in life (the money, the awards, the degrees, the guy etc), would be the happiest people in life. But most times, they are not. In fact they tend to be the opposite.

So, other than cake😝, what truly brings happiness?

Happiness is as a result of joy😅. And joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Yep! That's the wonderful, (maybe sad to some), truth. If you find your 'happiness' or 'joy' determined by external happenings, examine yourself: do you really bear true joy?

Joy is in your recreated human spirit and is fueled by the word of God. Meaning, joy is like a flame that is fueled by the God's Word. This statement is so heavy because it seems to mean:

√ If you are not born again (born of the incorruptible seed of the Word) you cannot have joy or at least true joy.

√ If you don't stay in the word of God your flame of joy will burn out quickly due to lack of fuel.

Last year in my Church our Ma'ma came up with a word which we converted into an activity: #Gospelizing. I invite you all to participate. It's usually on Tuesday and Saturday but feel free to pick your own day...

On this day, #GospelizingTuesday, one is to consciously find a soul and lead them to Christ so they may be a new creation — a recreated human spirit. That way they can begin to bear the fruit of the Spirit i.e love, JOY, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control; against which there is no law (i.e you can't DO these things, you can only BE these things!) Gal 5:22-23. Hence the need for a recreated human Spirit, because the old one was born in sin and always tends towards sin😏.

Joy doesn't depend on how good things around you are and nothing in this world can satisfy you, and bring your heart true joy. Only God can. Let evolution tell you whatever it wants but the truth is, the main thing the human soul longs for, is to return to the oneness it once had with the Father. That's why we call it getting saved. But it can only be enjoyed when one gets born again. (refer Spirit, Soul, Body by Andrew Wommack)

If you are not born again and desire to, good news: it is very simple. God sought the simplest process to accommodate even the laziest or the most uneducated or the poorest person:

... if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Romans 10:9-10

💡 Fun fact: I've never heard of a dumb person who desired to confess salvation and then they were unable to speak. So trust me, salvation is that simple.💡

Pray this prayer:

Dear God,

Thank you for loving me and giving your only begotten son for me. Lord Jesus, I believe in my heart that you died on the cross for my sins and that you were raised from the dead for my glory. I receive you and confess you today as my Lord and Saviour. Thank you that I am now saved and born again. I am now the righteousness of God. I belong to you. I give you my life; take it and do something with it.  


You are now born again! You now bear fruit. You now have a 100% guarantee of a happy 2021. Feel free to express joy in the various ways: sing, shout, dance, clap, praise... Fuel your joy with God's word. You can start with the books of John, Romans and Psalms. And then, join a Bible believing Church near you or feel free to contact me concerning the ones that have helped me grow.

Happy new year, again😉, God's artwork!


Phrases in bold italics derived from a Rev. Chris Oyakilome sermon.


  1. Really profound. Happy new year to you too😊

    1. Thank you Iron Becky. Have a happy new year too💕

  2. Oh Yve! 😭😭 I've never looked at salvation to be that simple yet it actually is that simple... Forwarding this ASAP...

  3. And I'm waiting for the photo of those feet... If they are of the Son of God the it better be the real one and not the one of movies😂😂😂


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