
Welcome to my blog previously known as GOD’S ArTWORK with Yve Azar now known as just Yve Azar, Building up the temple through architecture, productivity, W-H-ealthy Living and God's ArTwork 

According to Wiktionary;
"Art is the conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colors, forms, movements or other elements in a manner that affects the senses and emotions ..."

This all-inclusive definition encapsulates the heart of this blog, through which The Master Craftsman shall express Himself.

They say that architecture is 100% science and 100% art. Yve Azar, a student of architecture, seeks to demonstrate this synergy:
• Where the science of dots, lines, plane, rhythm, symmetry, texture, colour, shapes, and pictures kisses the (he)art of expression;
• Where the expressor and expressee are bound together in Agape.

We are the subject of God's Love; The masterpiece of His creation, recreated in Him unto good works. 

God's work of art is expressed in and through love. This means that the Greatest Artist in the universe seeks to give us ways to express ourselves in Him!

At GOD’S ArTWORK, we are constantly reminded of Nathaniel Bassey's Wonderful Wonder's lyrics:

 “… Everywhere I go, I see you right there,
in the beauty of nature, you shine all around. 

For you are everything, and everything is you…” 
God is love. In Him, all things consist. 

As we yield to Him everyday, He imprints the picture of love through His Word pertaining everything we see. 

Come and join us in this journey.

To find out what inspired the vision of this blog: GOD’S ArTWORK: LOVE, visit the INSPIRATION page.

. . . Be still, God’s Artwork, God is at work😊 in you, through you and for you!

~ Yve Azar

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  1. Wooooooow!!!!!! What a read!!!!! Amen! Totally inspiring! Refreshing! I will definitely keep coming back to this well of God!

    1. Thank you... Heartbits. Amen!! You are welcome! Come again and again and forever :-)


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