My book of this month was supposed to be Woman Evolve by Sarah Jakes Roberts. However, a few pages into the book, I began to struggle to concentrate because I came across another one that I suddenly really wanted to read😆... I'm sure I'm not the only one who goes through that... Anyway, before I switched books I managed to get to the page where it defines evolution:
It’s impossible to maximize the potential that God has placed in each of us and stay the same.When we make room for the transformation in our lives, we embody the definition of evolving. Evolve means to develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complex form.
Now, listen, I know that life is already complex enough and simple sounds appealing, but to be complex is not the same as being complicated. Complex simply means consisting of many different and connected parts. There are so many different parts of who you are, but are they all connected? The creation story reveals that God doesn’t create anything simple. Genesis 1:1 says He “created theheavensand the earth.” It sounds simple, but one semester with astronomy as an elective will prove that there is nothing simple about the heavens.
I picked that book because I could feel something was happening/had happened to me. And I was obviously fighting it, like who loves change? That definition though was an accurate description of the feeling and helped me stop fighting the change...
I am now at a point where I've decided to accept that I'm becoming different. My interests have changed as I grow younger 🤭... My desires... I think my personality too... this has thus affected my vision in life... in a good way though. Even if it feels like my vision is changing, I think it's actually becoming clearer. Things i.e. various interests, passions etcs are beginning to reconcile and this thing called my purpose in life is beginning to get clearer... It's a scary experience but also exciting...
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One of the verses that have been ministering |
I'm a woman of my word. Well, at least I try to be that. I like to deliver on my promises and usually expect the same from others. When I started this blog I promised to share content in the line of God's ArTwork which I define in the vision page of this blog. I also promised to be posting at least twice a month. I however have really struggled in the past 18 months to keep those promises especially the second.
After much resting, which I shared in the previous post, and searching within, I've concluded I need to accept the evolution.
A few weeks ago, I shared something on Facebook and IG sort of on impluse, which you can check out in the previous post or view it here... I called it Yve Azar's days of the themes. After doing this for about 3 weeks now, I've been surprised to see my creativity flow... And here I thought I had a creativity block🤦♀️.
A main reason I've been struggling to be consistent here is because, every post I share I have to gauge whether it is God's ArTwork-ish... And so far, most ideas I have had in the past year, don't fit the "God's ArTwork" mould, or so I felt. But with the new system, I just need to ensure it's in line with the theme of the day. As I have been exploring these "days of the theme" I began to feel a need to rebrand this blog so I can bring that concept here too.
God's ArTwork is an amazing word that has really helped me learn about God, myself and also kept me on track with my message. Sticking to it as a brand/blog name though, has began limiting me and making it difficult to share the wonderful things God brings my way/impresses in me...
As I thought about what other word to use to unite these many aspects of myself, W-H-ealthy Living felt like the most appropriate. (Where do I get these words? I don't know, I guess I just throw random words at the Holy Spirit and when they come back 😆, they look like that...)
In a training I attended though, we were encouraged to use our own names as "brand" or blog names as that permits a lot of flexibility and makes it easier to manage your vision(s).
For a long time I've been running away from that idea of using my name, in this case, pen name, as a brand name as a sign of "humility"😂😂... But I realize it's humility too to name something after you. Moses showed humility by not naming the Pentateuch as Moses I -IV but we see Jeremiah naming one book with His name and the next one Lamentations... 🙈I knooow, I really over-interpret the Bible 🤣🤣...
So with that, I've accepted to rebrand this blog to Yve Azar... I hope that's okay with you who has been supportive and closely following what I do here🙏. For now, the motto will be, "Building up the temple through architecture, productivity, W-H-ealthy Living and God's ArTwork." Inspired by the famous kids song... and the scriptures 1 Corinthians 6:19 and Acts 7:8. That motto perfectly captures the fact that I'm interested in building stuff, buildings, the human body which is referred to as the temple... and of course Church😃 which is the Body of Christ .
This shall be the temporary banner as I work on one with better graphics...
I'm really gonna miss the word God's ArTwork. I'm gonna miss explaining to people why the 'r' is small😆... but at least I have W-H-ealthy... 😁. God's ArTwork will however remain a very key building block... actually the mortar/glue of everything I share/do. My passion is still to impact the world with the message that they are/can be God's ArTwork and He is at work in them, through them and for them.
Some of the people I had talked to had suggested opening different websites for different things. Wueh! I have not even been able to open a telegram or even tik tok account, now imagine the hustle of trying to balance all those separate accounts for the 4 major interests😅.
I took a short blogging course a while ago, and in the class we were showed how one can post everything in one website. I hope to upgrade to a paid version later in the year that will provide the different "containers/funnels" for the different aspects. That will help make this space more organized and exciting to use. In the meantime we will make do with what we have. So feel free to click the "MORE" button at the top of this page, right next to HOME which will take you to pages representing these 4 aspects.
So with that I officially welcome us to the still rebranding website... Yve Azar... in the meantime... I would like to hear from you: have you ever felt the urge to embrace change? Or the push to let go of an older you that you kinda loved and embrace a newer you that you could potentially fall in love with? How did that feel? How did you go about it? What wise advice kept you at it? Are you okay sharing with us? Please do so in the comments.
Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you.
Lastly, some of you hadn't noticed but the SUBSCRIBE button is working again. It's a new platform though so some of you may need to resubscribe🙏. If you hadn't though, now SUBSCRIBE to get notified of new posts and check us out on Facebook and Instagram for daily growth material...
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