"Tell us about yourself": THE HEAVENLY INTERVIEW

"Tell us about yourself," 

This was for a long time the most commonly asked yet dreaded question by most interviewees. But thanks to Uncle Google and the many YouTube videos, one can now find help to prepare for this question. Sadly though, it's now rarely asked and when asked many interviewees treat it as an icebreaker rather than a question that when well answered, could get them hired on the spot.

What do interviewers look for when they ask this question? Two main things:

  1. To evaluate how confident an interviewee is, so as to get a view of how the new hire might present themselves to customers, clients and colleagues if they get the job.
  2. They are hoping candidates will offer insight about their values, goals and priorities, which gives them a better sense of who each job candidate really is.

I had the privilege to attend a certain interview as an observer-cum-scribe 😜. I like to call it the heavenly interview. Many applicants responded to the job advert below, leading to many overqualified interviewees. Guess what, that famous question was asked! And what were they looking for? Read on...

This was one of the panel's favorite interview:
We will call the interviewer Artriel and the interviewee G.Art (Short for God's Artwork ðŸ˜‰)

ARTRIEL: In this section of the interview, we will ask you questions to just help us see how well you know yourself. 

G.ART: Okay.

ARTRIEL: What would you say is your self concept? As in, who are you? 

G.ART: I am a child of God. Created in His image, and also born again of the seed of His incorruptible word. That makes me the righteousness of God. I understand and still willing to grow in His way of being and doing right.

ARTRIEL: Wow! I like that, righteousness of God... a great attribute for a door keeper. 
Next question. This one may be a little difficult to answer, so you can take your time to answer it: What is your self-worth?

G.ART: Wow, self worth, not net worth🤔... I draw my worth from the fact that I am created in his likeness (similarity in quantity and quality). As He is, so am I here was I there, on earth. I did nothing to be all I am or have all I have, but to only believe, and next minute I hear I have been born into things even my parents would never have dreamt for me. 

ARTRIEL: Woah! Where do you come from? You've answered well... Final question. You clearly have a high self esteem, where do you derive it from?

G.ART: 😅Thank you. 
My self esteem is anchored on the Power I received when the Holy Spirit came upon me to be a witness of Christ with every part of my life. That power that raised Christ from the dead and sat Him at the right hand of the Father is at work in me. That's why I know I can make an excellent door keeper.

ARTRIEL: Wow! Who are you, who are you really?

G.ART: I like to say, I am God's Artwork, and God is at work ....

ARTRIEL: 😅 I like that. You must be God's most prized possession. His most expensive thing on earth... by the way that last question was rhetorical😬😅😂

G.ART: 🙈 Oh! Sorry.

ARTRIEL: No no no. You're hired! But not for the Door Keepers post. You can't even be among them found down at his feet. No! You are to rule and reign with him on a seat right by His side. A seat in the heavenly places that is far above all principalities and rulers...

G.ART: (now in tears) thank you. I'm humbled. Who am I that the highest King, would welcome me... He made me free to be Holy and to worship Him. I worship Him: Holy Holy Holy, the Lord God Almighty. Who was, who is and is to come. Worthy is the lamb that was slain... 

BIG BOSS aka KING OF KINGS (Who has been watching through the glass wall in the next room): Welcome my child. Sit here with me...

The rest is indescribable, what do you write when the King of Kings shows up😅😂😂?

Inspired by: Victory Faith Church Sunday's sermon on Identity, and stories from friends as they apply for jobs and attend interviews.

Dedicated to
  • Class of 2020. As you apply for jobs or launch those great business ideas. May you be found the answer that the world needs. 
  • You, God's Artwork. Keep fighting the good fight of faith and running your race. I'm sure you'll be found more than a door keeper when our Bride Groom comes.
Take away
Knowing who you are and whose you are is everything. 


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