HEARING THE VOICE OF GOD I: It's Yve the sheep :-)
“The Lord told me...”, “I heard the Spirit of God say...”, “I sense in my spirit...”, “God showed me in a... I felt led to...” These are just but a few examples of phrases you've heard Men of God (ministers) or fellow believers say...
When I am around people I fellowship with, these are normal phrases but when I am out there with other people, sometimes even fellow believers, though from other churches, it's strange to use such phrases.
1. Because most times we hear ministers use it more than the rest of believers. So some think it's for them only.
2. Not many people hear God, at least not as frequently as they should. So, when you claim you heard God, you are considered either spooky or given a nickname like, "Holy Joe or Prophetess".
3. Some hear but they would rather use the phrase "Something told me I..." Yet we know, for believers, that something is often if not always the voice of the Holy Spirit...
There are many statements I pray to God almost everyday, but the main ones are:
1. Oh God, that I may know you more... Not just about you, but that I may KNOW you (John 17:3)
2. Let me not ever believe a lie... (John 16:13)
3. How can I be more useful to you... (2 Timothy 4:11)
I like these 3 prayers because:
1. I can never doubt whether they will be answered or not. They have to, in fact they already are, we just walk into their answer daily.
2. It's not the kind of payers you can end with, "If it is your will Lord," 😂😂😂 It is His will!!
3. They "force" you to hear God while they are being answered😅
Sometimes I feel as if God is usually looking for men and women who will pray for any or all of those 3 things because, ever since I started praying those items, hearing God became a norm...
So, why, It's Yve the Sheep😜... First, because I'll be posting a series of articles on things I have been learning on hearing the voice of God... But also, because of an experience I had this week:
It was my break time and I felt like going on YouTube to watch something, a particular sermon to be exact. As the page was still loading, I began hearing this sound track to an animation I reaaaaaly like,
"He’s Shaun the sheep – (He’s Shaun the sheep) x2
He even mucks about with those who cannot bleat – (Cannot bleat)
Keep it in mind
He’s one of a kind
Life’s a treat with Shaun the Sheep
He’s Shaun the sheep- (He’s Shaun the sheep)
He doesn’t miss a trick or ever lose a beat – (Lose a beat)
Perhaps one day
You’ll find a way
Come and meet with Shaun the sheep
Come and bleat with Shaun the Sheep”
He even mucks about with those who cannot bleat – (Cannot bleat)
Keep it in mind
He’s one of a kind
Life’s a treat with Shaun the Sheep
He’s Shaun the sheep- (He’s Shaun the sheep)
He doesn’t miss a trick or ever lose a beat – (Lose a beat)
Perhaps one day
You’ll find a way
Come and meet with Shaun the sheep
Come and bleat with Shaun the Sheep”
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Isn't he cute😁 |

Even more weird is I kept hearing it in my name yet the last time I watched it was 2018😅...
The ear-bug didn't leave...
I thought to myself, "Who am I kidding, I can't listen to a sermon with such a loud ear-bug..."
So I instead searched, for Shaun the sheep and to my surprise they had new videos I had missed... By the way, this is not an animation for everyone😜... But it's the only thing I watch with a sheepy😉 smile on my face and in that state I can't hear anyone call me even if they were seated right next to me 😂😂.
After watching one episode I understood that the ear-bug was not really about my cravings but was actually God calling me into a deeper understanding of something I had been meditating on... I closed my browser and switched to my Bible app and began to ponder on Psalm 23 alongside John 10: 1-21... (While thinking of Shaun😜😂😂)
This is what I found out, The Sheep hear the voice of the Shepherd (John 10:3). It doesn't say they ought to or they should or they will... Nooo "They hear," It's something already happening to you if you consider yourself part of the Sheep...
So, you my fellow sheepren😜, would you say you hear Him clearly?
If your answer is, "yes, I hear God". Great, you are on the right track and you don't need to be embarrassed about it... If you don't hear God, scratch that... If hearing the voice of God is not your current reality, the truth is: you hear! The issue is:
1. You either are not aware you hear or
2. Your positioning. You need to position yourself to hear...
So, how does one position themselves to hear?
Stay tuned for the next post...
In the meantime you are welcome to like the God's Artwork Facebook page to receive notifications of Yve The Sheep’s next bleat:-)...
This post is the same posted on the Facebook page due to technical challenges publishing here. These technical challenges have now been sorted😃 Enjoy the #HearingTheVoiceOfGod series.